
Nearing Completion

Joe has taken over construction and he's oh so close to finishing. We've been living in the house for over a month and it's been totally fine. Cozy even. We are truly grateful to our friends for helping us in this most important project of our lives. The house should be completed (barring minor projects - trim, polyurethane, light boxes, etc.), so expect a video and more blog posts. Enjoy the video!


  1. looks AWESOME Meg and Joe!!! happy housewarming!!!! xo

  2. I love it!! When can I see it in person? Miss you!!


  3. This is wonderful and I congratulate you both on building such a wonderful house. It looks like it will be so cozy this winter, and in the summer, well you will have the whole of Montana as your backyard.....Good Luck.

  4. Thanks Aims! I can't believe we actually did it!

    Hi Neener! Email me, I'll tell you where to find us and you can come over anytime! Miss you too :)

    Thank you so much Pioneer... I so appreciate your well wishes.

  5. I love your design, looks really nice!

  6. I wanted to watch the video, but YouTube said it was "private."
